Name: Lxe
Age: 30
Sex: Female
Country: United States
Proud owner of: Nokia E71
My slogan: Why is the Rum always gone?
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About me

Name: Lxe
Sex: Female
Age: 30
Occupation: employed
Status: In relationship
Country: United States United States
Hometown: Pallet Town
Member since: May 2012
Last update: 21.06.2012 03:03

My Phone

Nokia E71

Display size 320x240

MyTinyphone have selected this phone 70th most popular phone on site!

2374 users have this phone

Go to Nokia E71 group page


Favorite activities:
Music, reading, Larping, DnD, etc.
nerdy things
Favorite music:
everything but country.. blech
Favorite movies:
Across the universe scott pilgrim vs. the world Pirates of the carribean: curse of the black pearl etc.
Favorite TV Shows:
how I met your mother doctor who heroes avatar the last airbender legend of korra etc.
Favorite games:
skyrim pokemon etcs.
Favorite Books:
harry potter series fallen immortal instruments series inheritance cycle etc.

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