Name: Stormy
Age: 29
Sex: Female
Country: United States
Proud owner of: Alcatel OT-606A
My slogan: If you die in an elevator, be sure to push the Up button.
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Squirrel steals Donut Gif Holy Gay Smuuuuttt Windsor, Stuart, and Hanover Harry Potter Rolls His Eyes Riker Lynch - Ooohlala
Seb, Riker, Warblers... then he pops in Curt and Riker - Blazers #OhYeah Curt and Riker Dwight hates Christmas Hats xD Dancing Tweedles
Dwight Loves His Salt Follow Me to Warblerland Dalton By CP Coulter Simply Dalton Dalton's Tweedle Dum and Dee
Alice With the Warblers Dwight with a Sword... and Cat Dalton's Tweedles - OhYeah Keep Calm and Marry Dwight Dalton - Characters
Dalton's Windors - CP Coulter aaron johnson Riker Lynch - Warbler Curt Mega and Riker Lynch Curt Mega

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