Name: ashley
Age: 37
Sex: Female
Country: United States
Proud owner of: BlackBerry (RIM) BlackBerry 8330
My slogan: just me
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About me

Name: ashley
Sex: Female
Age: 37
Occupation: employed
Status: Single
Country: United States United States
Hometown: columbus ga
Member since: December 2009
Last update: 12.03.2011 23:47

My Phone

BlackBerry (RIM) BlackBerry 8330

Display size 320x240

MyTinyphone have selected this phone 18th most popular phone on site!

6522 users have this phone

Go to BlackBerry (RIM) BlackBerry 8330 group page


Favorite activities:
i just like to take care of my kids n have fun. i love shoppin n movies n readin too!!!
my kids n boyfriend n family thats whats means most to me in my life!!!
Favorite music:
anything pretty much...
Favorite movies:
twilight saga harry potter any kinda scary movies n the proposal n the ugly truth....
Favorite TV Shows:
true blood greys atanomy house friends o lots more too....
Favorite games:
dnt really have any
Favorite Books:
twilight saga harry potter suki stackhouse series n anythin thats mark twain...

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