Name: Natalie
Age: 29
Sex: Female
Country: Puerto Rico
Proud owner of: LG LG5550
My slogan: Love music!
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About me

Name: Natalie
Sex: Female
Age: 29
Occupation: student
Status: In relationship
Country: Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
Hometown: San Lorenzo
Member since: April 2013
Last update: 04.08.2013 18:23

My Phone

LG LG5550

Display size 120x160

MyTinyphone have selected this phone 506th most popular phone on site!

308 users have this phone

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Favorite activities:
Read, listening to music, run sk8...
Study, boyfriend, love, read...
Favorite music:
Rock music! My favorite ban is Impending Doom. Others: Alter bridge, Born of osiris, Betraying the martyrs, Veil of maya, The Devil Wears Prada... (Many more too write)
Favorite movies:
The Notebook, Priest, Thor, Avengers, Batman, Lord of the rings trilogy, The hobbit, From Paris with love...
Favorite TV Shows:
Supernatural, Game of Thrones, Bates Motel...
Favorite games:
God of war, Call of duty, Spyro, Kim possible, Crazy taxi, Sims...
Favorite Books:
Fallen series, Percy Jackson and the olympians series, Heroes of olympys series, Hunger Games trilogy... (Many many more)

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