Name: Lynsie
Age: 32
Sex: Female
Country: United States
My slogan: OMG its moses!
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About me

Name: Lynsie
Sex: Female
Age: 32
Occupation: student
Status: In relationship
Country: United States United States
Hometown: Charles City IA
Member since: August 2010
Last update: 08.08.2010 22:56


Favorite activities:
I kinda just do my own thing, I dont organize anything so activities.. hmm being Lynsie!
Music, Photography, Texting, Socialization.. ya know basic 18 year old
Favorite music:
I listen to pretty much anything! im not picky for the majoraty of time.
Favorite movies:
hmm I think my FAVORITE movie would have to be anything with Adam Sandler =]
Favorite TV Shows:
I dont really watch much tv.
Favorite games:
Guitar Hero and Rock Band!
Favorite Books:
I dont really like reading, I get too distracted

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