Name: darz
Age: 41
Sex: Male
Country: United States
Proud owner of: Cricket A100
My slogan: If you think you can not then you can not
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About me

Name: darz
Sex: Male
Age: 41
Occupation: student
Status: Single
Country: United States United States
Hometown: SA Town
Member since: March 2011
Last update: 06.12.2011 07:05

My Phone

Cricket A100

Display size 128x160

MyTinyphone have selected this phone 8th most popular phone on site!

12733 users have this phone

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Favorite activities:
stuff,drawing,painting,crayolorning, singing(in the bathroom mostly), running, walking, eating, sleeping, stuff, other stuff, etc...
art, games(fps,rpg,rts,tbs,action,adventure,fighting,racing,alot), movies(anime,horror, action, adventure, sci-fi, drama), reading(pretty much everything that I like to see as movies or in games or art),music(rock,alternative,classic,soft, heavy metal, ol
Favorite music:
system of a down, three days grace, three doors down, seether, skillet, shinedown, korn, staind, a7f, metallica, ozzy, guns n roses, scorpions, the doors, and on and on...
Favorite movies:
terminator, predator, alien, john carpenters the thing, big trouble in little china, enemy mines, batman, the good the bad the ugly, others...
Favorite TV Shows:
fringe, the walking dead, family guy, south park, American dad, supernatural, billy and mandy, spongebob, weeds, some others...
Favorite games:
x-com, heroes of might and magic, masters of magic, elder scrolls, syndicate, warhammer, warcraft, starcraft, monkey island, others...
Favorite Books:
the walking dead, x-men, hulk, thor, batman, blah...

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