Name: Brenda
Age: 29
Sex: Female
Country: United States
Proud owner of: Cricket CAPTR A200
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XD hair flip where ever it is fliped it statys the smae. =o xD.gif =o agiooo oppas.xD i love you key and jo kwon..gif ...bobiiio...c=.gif ...=P yeah....gif ... oooo.gif
Morenge~!!! :P =P Taemin going heywire. xD JONGHKEY's Rawr. :D ♥ Key Umma says no...xD what is Minho's cute face? :D
wooow~ wooow go key oppa onew  wink saranghee oppa (onew -lee jinki)
aaawww boom boom~ woow oh yeah.:D :P~ Yeaahhhh~♥
OnKey cuz im onew ...kekkekekekekekekkeke Ng onew wait what~?!D:
nooo~:,( why? D: oh yeah.:D kekekeke :D noo. ): noooo. D: poor key oppa kekeke jonghyun oppa :D

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