Ringtone: dukesmoov missing you

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Views: 393
Code: a3302062
Uploaded by:dukesmoov
Category Rap/RnB/HipHop
Added:151 months ago
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  • dukesmoov


    151 months ago
    Duke Smoov from VA of Richmond. check out his video on youtube search dukesmoov. Just
    made a name for his self over seas in the Bahamas. summer of 2011. And has been
    requested to come back summer of 2012. more info. keep checking his youtube channel
    also check him out on Jango.com search dukesmoov. Real Talk C.d. released in Bahamas
    10/20/2011. Limited copies released in U.S. 10/11/11. Soon to be released on itunes
    in March. Stay tune........


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