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App: Ultimate Fishing Knots

  (843 votes)
Views: 5321
Category Sports
Requires os version:Android2.3 and up
Windows phone version:

Happened in summer of 2011. I was fishing and I had to tie a knot, which I used a very long time ago. Ok, no panic, “there is an app for that”, so I’ve checked the Android market, but I was quite disappointed, as I could not find such app, which would gave step-by-step, easy-to-follow instructions with good photos.So I’ve made this app. That’s it.

This application illustrates how to make the most popular fishing knots, categorized in 4 chapters: line, hook, misc and boating knots. Step-by-step instructions help anyone to master those.

Line knots--Tying loops: Simple loop, Bight, 3-turn loop--Stop knots: Multi-wrap stop knot, Figure of eight stop knot, Uni stop knot--Dropper loops and leaders: Butterfly loop, Dropper loop, Surgeon’s knot--Joining leader to loop: Joining loops 1-2, Quick joining to loop--Line to lineHook knots--Spade end hooks: Domhof, Needle knot, Snelling--Knotless knot--Eyed hooks: Crawford, Herkules, Trilene--Fly or/and eyed hooks: Duncan, Mörrum, Orvis--Drop shot knot--Palomar knotMisc knots--Knots for swivels and snap locks: Clinch, Hangman’s knot, Sling knot--Not-a-knot--Arbour knots--Rapala knotBoating knots [coming soon]--Boating knots I.--Boating knots II.

This app is free, but Ad supported.This application was made based on series of articles on site with the permission of the site owners and the author of the content, Róbert Balogh. Translation was made by Róbert, also.

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