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App: MPR

  (195 votes)
Views: 1620
Category Medical
Requires os version:Android2.3 and up
MPR is the most frequently used concise drug information resource by healthcare professionals, trusted for nearly 30 years. Providing the right dose of information, clinicians get access to over 4,300 up-to-date concise prescription and OTC drug monographs, curated daily drug news & alerts, and other time-saving point-of-care resources.


SAVE TIME* Omnipresent Search tool quickly finds drugs and relevant resources by brand and generic name, disease/condition, or manufacturer* Personalized Bookmarks list for frequently accessed content

MAKE MORE INFORMED PRESCRIBING DECISIONS* Drug Interactions Checker with over 7,000 interactions (drugs, herbals, supplements, and food) and detailed recommendations on how to manage the interactions* Over 120 clinical tools including calculators and treatment algorithms

BE UP TO DATE* Curated daily drug news & alerts summaries to keep you up to date while you’re on the go * Updated frequently by MPR’s pharmacists and reviewed by physicians.

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